Weekly Activities
Beattie Home activities covers the Physical, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive needs of each individual in the resthome.
Regular weekly activities include Musical Entertainment, Quizzes, Word Games, Exercises, Housie, Group Sports Games such as Bowls, Volleyball and Coordination Ball Games, Weekly Van Trips, Crafts. Cooking and Knitting Club. Weekly program varies and is interesting to both men and woman. Activity plans are tailored to each attendee.
What's on in your lounge this week.
09:00 AM -
10:00 AM -
10:30 AM -
11:00 AM -
News update
Morning tea
Move it Monday exercises, or Mainly Music Group
01:00 PM -
02:00 PM -
02:30 PM -
03.30 PM -
Housie, or singing
Afternoon tea
Card making, or sports game
Multi Ball sports game, or Quiz - New Zealand questions
09:00 AM -
10:00 AM -
10:30 AM -
11:00 AM -
Lingo on TV
Morning tea
01:00 PM -
02:00 PM -
02:30 PM -
03.30 PM -
Group van outing local trip, or Monica's Group
Afternoon tea
Fun with words
Singalone - you hum it we sing it - have a laugh, or reading aloud
09:00 AM -
10:00 AM -
10:30 AM -
11:00 AM -
Music to enjoy, or 1-1 talks
Morning tea
Rex on the Key Board, or continue morning tea outside on the Patio
Ten Can Bowling, or Multi Ball Group game
Afternoon tea
Poems read aloud
09:00 AM -
10:00 AM -
10:30 AM -
11:00 AM -
TV and Music appreciation
Morning tea
Graham on the Bag Pipes, or Jan's Exercise
Jan's Exercise, or reading aloud
01:00 PM -
02:00 PM -
02:30 PM -
03.30 PM -
Share a Treasure - bring something special to you to the lounge and talk about it.
Afternoon tea
Weekly news update
09:00 AM -
10:00 AM -
10:30 AM -
11:00 AM -
Country music
Morning tea
Stretching to the beat
01:00 PM -
02:00 PM -
02:30 PM -
03.30 PM -
Mini Pizza making, or make and enjoy special drink
Afternoon tea
Happy hour - Entertainment
Listen to music and relax ready for your weekend